FAIRFAX HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD TEAM POLICIES Director of Cross Country / Track & Field /Head Track Coach: Marcus Odell,
Assistant Coaches: Shawn Norton,Joaquin Garcia, Renee Sterrett
VISION STATEMENT The coaching staff and administration of Fairfax High School are committed to OUR QUEST FOR CHARACTER AND EXCELLENCE in our track and field program. The quest will be positive in nature, with high expectations for athletes, parents, and coaches. This journey will begin as soon as a potential athlete makes a firm commitment to get on board. We will stay focused on our goals and press on every day to make ourselves better in the classroom, reach our potential athletically, and develop character traits that will allow each athlete to be a productive member of society. We will begin by creating a strong foundation based on character, commitment, determination, and discipline. Our quest will come from the HEART, because that’s the place where character qualities are worth having. The highest reward will not be what the athletes might GET during the season from working to develop these qualities, but rather what they BECOME in life from these qualities becoming an INTEGRAL part of their life. We will develop a FAMILY focus within the structure of the team, where everyone will be an ENCOURAGING force in building our program. Our character is often tested in times of crisis, and we want to demonstrate POSITIVE qualities in those situations. Our journey needs the POSITIVE support of our school, faculty, administration, parents, and community. There are no shortcuts to OUR QUEST; JUST HARD WORK AND DEDICATION. Philosophy: · Track and Field will be part of your total educational experience at Fairfax High School. Work to be successful in everything you do both academically and athletically. · Through this program, you can attain virtues that you will not receive in any other part of your educational experience here at Fairfax High School. · Understand the commitment it takes to be successful, both academically and athletically. · The quality of your track and field experience will be directly influenced by your attitude and effort. The more you put in the more you will take away. · Daily Goal: Attitude, Effort, and Passion · Individual Goal: Physical and Mental Self-Improvement · Team Goals: District Championship, Regional Championship, State Championship Objectives for Boys and Girls Track Program - Develop self-discipline and control. - Promote the values of individual and team effort. - Build the capacity for self-confidence under pressure. - Discover each athlete’s range of capabilities. - Cultivate the ability to think for oneself. - Motivate each athlete to be the best that they can be. Tryout Criteria - A completed VHSL Pre-Participation Exam Form - Parent Concussion Education - Student Concussion Education - An Emergency Care Form Tryout Guidelines - Tryouts will be held the week of Nov. 12th thru Nov. 20th 3:15pm to 6pm all those days - Selection for the Varsity squad will be based on your performances in time trials, effort at practices and ability to work well with coaches & teammates. - All squads are open to FHS students 9 – 12 grade who have parental and doctor’s permission to participate. - Students must have passed 5 classes last year and have passed 5 classes during the 1st semester of this year. We encourage our athletes to be taking 7 classes. ATTENDANCE If you are absent from school, you may not practice/compete on the day of your absence. Athletes are expected to be at all meets, meetings, practices, weight workouts, and team functions on time. Not knowing about an event or the time is not an excuse! If the TEAM is there, YOU must be there. If unable to attend, the athlete must personally notify a coach PRIOR to the function. Messages passed on by another athlete or student are not acceptable. Athletes are expected to work on responsibility and communication skills. Athletes that are injured must check in with the Athletic Trainer every day then check in with the head coach. Athletes that are getting extra help with academics must still show up to practice and complete the workout that day, but must notify the coach beforehand that they will be late and will be required to bring a note from the teacher that they are getting academic help. Failure to produce written documentation of your absence will result in an unexcused absence from practice. Athletes should be using Lion Time periods to get these things done first and that they are using this time wisely, so as to limit the time they need to miss practice.
Parents & Athletes please check the practice and meet schedule and plan accordingly. Please do not schedule appointments during the middle of practice time. Athletes coming a little late or having to leave a little early for medical or dental appointments can be worked with, but missing more than half the practice is not acceptable. PRACTICE POLICY Practice is mandatory for all TRACK AND FIELD athletes, to stay on a schedule working towards individual and team goals. In order to stay on our path to success, it is expected that all athletes fully participate in team practices (barring injury). Athletes are expected to follow the instructions of all coaches and complete the assigned activities to the best of their ability. Failure to actively participate will be treated the same as an absence OR the athlete will not be allowed to participate in the next competition/meet.
Expectations of Student Athletes - Be on time for everything. If not, inform Coach Odell beforehand. - If you are injured, see our Athletic Trainers, (Johnston and Rhodes) and let Coach Odell know. - Stay on top of your schoolwork and studies. If you are having academic problems, please let your coaches know so we can work on a solution to help you out. - Please communicate clearly and directly with your coaches. - Athletes are expected to be at all meets on the schedule unless the head coach designates otherwise. Head coach will also determine which meets athletes are competing in with input from the assistant coaches. Behavior - Do not abuse your body. The use of drugs and or alcohol for any reason at any time is grounds for dismissal from the team. - A proper diet and good sleeping habits will make your training and competition day more productive. - Be accountable for your actions. - Your opportunity to be part of this program will be directly related to your actions and attitude. Anyone doing anything that is determined to be detrimental to this program will be dismissed from the team. ASSUMPTIONS The track and field program is based on four things which we assume you are willing and wanting to do. If any of these are not true, you may not want to come out for track and field. 1. We assume you want to achieve excellence in the classroom, developing your best behavior and striving for the most learning and highest grades possible.
2. We assume you want to be a better person because of what you will learn in this track program.
3. We assume you want to reach your full potential as a track and field athlete.
4. We assume you want to win a conference, district, regional, and state championship. Varsity Lettering Requirements:
Expectations of Parents - Express concerns directly to the head coach. - Please notify the head coach of any schedule conflicts well in advance --preferably at least a week. - Please let the coaching staff know if there are any medical or physical limitations for your child. - Any specific concerns related to the coach’s philosophy and/or expectations should be directed to the head coach. - Concerns that parents can discuss with the head coach: 1. Treatment of your child, mentally and physically. 2. Ways to help your child improve. 3. Concerns about your child’s behavior. 4. Ways for your child to reach their realistic athletic and academic goals. - When wanting to discuss concerns with the head coach, please set up an appointment. Please do not approach the coach before, during, or immediately after a meet or practice (24 Hour Rule). These can be emotional times for everybody. - No parents are allowed at practice or in the team area at meets so that athletes can concentrate on what they are doing and so that the coaches have the athletes’ full and undivided attention.